- What is Polar Power, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol POLA.
- When was Polar Power, Inc. incorporated?
Polar Power, Inc. was incorporated in 1979 in the State of Washington as Polar Products Inc., and in 1991 reincorporated in the State of California under the name Polar Power, Inc. In December 2016, Polar Power, Inc. reincorporated in the State of Delaware.
- When did Polar Power, Inc. become a public company?
December 7, 2016
- When is Polar Power, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
December 31st
- Who is Polar Power, Inc.'s transfer agent?
The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is VStock Transfer, LLC. Its telephone number is (212) 828-8436.
- Who is Polar Power, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Weinberg & Company, P.A.
- Who is Polar Power, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?
The company's Legal Counsel is Loeb and Loeb, LLP located at 345 Park Avenue | New York, NY 10154, 212 407-4000.
- Who can investors or prospective investors contact for additional information regarding Polar Power (Nasdaq:POLA)?
You can speak with a Polar Power IR team member at Core IR by phone at +1 212-655-0924 or via email at peters@coreir.com.